
Lyrics by David Bowie (my attempt at making a magazine cover)


6/16/23 Lyrics by David Bowie (my attempt at making a magazine cover)

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love this!<33
thank you! this is amazing too:)
this is really cool!!
Ahhh i luvvvv it!!! And awhhh thank you!! I literally love yours too!! 💕💕
like how do you not have a million likes!!
Nooo haha today it‘s a bit rainy too😂
that sounds amazing🫶🏻
so you have holidays?
umm I still have school but I‘m going to Paris in vacation and after that we’ll spend a week at the beach, I’m really looking forward🫶🏻
do you have any plans for summer? (and sorry for spamming comments:))
so gorgeous!
This looks great!!
Aww tysm! well we want to go to THE museum of Paris: Louvre, we want to have a picnic at the •seine• (this is a river) and we want to visit the castles💐✨💕
oh yes I had to study last summer too but this year I’m better at school this year
oh yes def!! where do you live (if you feel comfortable sharing)?
my parents are like that too, we’re always visiting a lot of museum in holidays bc they say this is important💐✨
this is so pretty!!
thank you this is as well!💕
hey there! (sorry for copy and paste) On this account I will host a big contest, the winner gets the title •collager of the year•! there will be three judges and multiple rounds with different tasks! It would be great if you take part:)💓
aaaa David!!!